
Nilaa Laishram

next js dev â ™ frontend â ™ design

hey there, i'm Nilaa. i've been diving deep into the world of web development, blending my skills of frontend and design. My expertise lies in crafting intuitive and visually appealing UIs, with a focus on React, Next.js, and TypeScript. When i'm not immersed in code, you'll probably find me enjoying a game of football or catching up on the latest matches. if you've got an exciting opportunity, let's connect—i'm just a DM away on Twitter!

some projects i've built

Silly Questions
Generate 100% engagement guaranteed questions to get more engagements. Click on generate, copy, tweet and see your Twitter engagements go brrrr 🚀
Inspired by Marc Louvion's 50 Hacks platform, 27 Startups is a platform for your startup or apps ideas. Here you can share, steal and comment on other people's ideas without needing to have an account
Picmorph is a minimal image compressor and convertor tool that converts images to jpg, png or webp format on the browser. No servers involved!
Modern Landing Page
A modern sleek landing page I developed with the design provided by Jan Marshall in one of his videos
A portfolio template that is beginner friendly, minimal and responsive, made using only html and css, just like those of the cracked devs.
Modern UI/UX website developed using React.js and Tailwind CSS exemplifies modern UI/UX principles.
A simple, minimal, easy to use and free Emoji Logo maker for your next website. Pick an emoji, select a background color, adjust it, boom now you have a logo for your next website.
The Superfast, Easy to Use, Lightweight and Minimal Color Picker. Create the color you like, pick it and use it on your CSS
Niccollo Miranda
A portfolio clone of a famous designer Niccollo Miranda
My first major web dev project

visit my github for more projects, some of them are open source as well.

let's have a chat